Wednesday, April 4, 2012


     What pops into your mind when we say the words strengths and weaknesses? Most of us would think that strengths are the strong attributes each one of us had and weaknesses are the imperfections one individual has. Furthermore, all of us differ from one another that means we also differ from one another’s strengths and weaknesses and that’s why we all became unique and depending on one another’s strengths and weaknesses to suffice our own.
     First, on evaluating and reflecting on my learning and writing capability I have good memorizing skills and good learner. Also, in writing essays I have overflowing ideas. But have the mill on these I’m not that good in analyzing things especially reading skills. Problems with my thoughts I just can’t organize them properly to have a smooth flow of ideas. Second, developing writing through active practice and daily tutorial about writing essays. Having the perseverance and determination to do so but what hinders me from this was being too lazy to learn. Now still having problem in time management, ego always fails and overwhelmed by id. Third, organizing ideas having bunch of ideas about that topic the problem was I don’t even know how to put them all together to make my writing credible, because of that the readers usually feel confused when reading my work. Fourth, identifying and correcting my own grammatical lapses I can correct them because of sufficient knowledge but when I am already writing I can’t figure out the mistakes by myself and it bothers me. Fifth, I always set my goals high and to reach them to have my accomplishment but I don’t actually reach it and always fails to.
     My goal for this term is to be an effective English student writer and reader. Also, I want to have a good remark throughout the term. Moreover, to learn how to spot my own grammatical errors without anyone helping me out.

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